10 Classic Books to read by Everyone

Great Books You Should Read
This list of 10 classic books seems to be a no-brainer, but I think everyone should read the works, which became an integral part of the history of literature. This list has been made after conducting a thorough research on people’s reading preferences. It is necessary to state that the offered opuses belong to different categories. This list is compiled for people who do not waste their time on reading low-quality pulp fiction, but devotedly absorb the intellectual gems of human minds. The majority of bibliophiles would agree every book presented here is a masterpiece and is worth being read.
Consider bookmarking this helpful page recommending the finest books to read. In this case, you will not need to spend hours looking for a fascinating piece of writing.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee
Many students have to read this book as it is in the school curriculum. This literary work serves as a wonderful example of Southern Gothic fiction; it’s also a Bildungsroman, which depicts the self-development of a girl from an innocent child to a virtuous, kind-hearted human being. The famous drama tells about racial problems in the south of the USA, elucidating the necessity to fight abuse and discrimination. I have not delved deeply into the subjects discussed in this book before. However, the story told by Scout, the trial of Tom Robinson namely, grabbed my attention and I understood that it was worth learning more about this grim part of American history. Atticus Finch, Scout’s father, is a symbol of morality as he does his best to protect Tom. Nevertheless, in another Lee’s novel “Go Set a Watchman,” he is depicted in a different light. You may be interested in reading the two novels to discover the reason behind the radical changes of the protagonist.
“The Sun Also Rises” by Ernest Hemingway
This is one of the top books to read. It recounts the story about the painful love between Jake Barnes, the US veteran and journalist, and Lady Brett Ashley, a rebellious woman, who embodies the Roaring Twenties. The events are described against the background of the bull festival held in Spain. In this piece of writing, author’s presence is especially noticeable. One can see the former boxing companion of Hemingway, i.e. Harold Loeb, in Robert Cohn. In this book, the author vividly describes the way life and passion correlate with each other.
“The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini
It can be said that this is one of the best 10 classic books everyone should read. It touches on the cultural issues that can be encountered by everyone. Such themes as guilt, atonement, and betrayal are discussed in this book. One more novel written by this author that arouses strong feelings is called “A Thousand Splendid Suns.” You should definitely read it before watching the movie that is also fantastic.
“Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov
By reading this book, one cannot say that Nabokov is a non-native English speaker. “Lolita” is written perfectly. The specific style of the author makes even the controversial literary work stunning. If this masterpiece was presented today, it would be banned for negligence or even worse – pedophilia. Thus, those admiring this story can be happy it was released many years ago. “Lolita” vividly depicts the ruinous power of human desires.
“Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll
This must be the most exciting book for those with a fertile imagination. By reading this piece of writing, it becomes clear that there is nothing impossible for the inspired and creative people. Though many people say that Alice’s eerie experience reminds the psychedelic journey of a person who consumed some mind-expanding mushroom, I’d say, “Relax! Magic realism and surrealism are part of our world. And why not believe in different dimensions where all those whimsical anthropomorphic creatures exist?” Moreover, the author parodied many elements of Victorian popular culture. So, symbolism is the key here. Carroll was not simply imaginative, he took the linguistic possibilities to a whole new level, inventing such absurd words as Jabberwocky, boojum, frabjous, and others.
“The Great Gatsby” by Scott Fitzgerald
This literary work, devoted to the Age of Jazz, is more than just a story about rich people organizing extravagant parties and delightfully wasting their lives. Scott Fitzgerald examines such issues as unrequited love, crumbled perfectionism, and the attainability of the American dream. Those who have unrealized dreams will see a kind of a sign given in the form of a green light at Daisy's dock.
“The Hobbit” by JRR Tolkien
I read this book when I was a little child. I received it from my father on my birthday. “The Hobbit” was my first acquaintance with the world of magic. This literary work impressed me greatly. The described trip to the Lonely Mountain made me fall in love with this genre of literature. It’s good to start with “The Hobbit” to further comprehend the high fantasy trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”. If Tolkien’s mythology fascinates you, then “The Silmarillion” is also your perfect book that reveals the secrets of Middle-earth and its diverse races.
“The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde
It portrays a handsome self-centered man captivated by the notion of hedonism. He finds pleasure in everything whether it is moral or not. It will give you an answer to the question what real beauty is. You’ll also understand that each cruel deed has a price to pay.
“For Whom the Bell Tolls” by Ernest Hemingway
“For Whom the Bell Tolls” outlines the events held during the Spanish Civil War. This literary work is written clearly and has a profound effect on readers, who easily empathize with Robert Jordan’s reflections and experiences. It engages readers from the first sentences. The novel provides valuable information about the mentioned period in history. The ending of the story is rather powerful and makes people ponder over serious issues.
“The Catcher in the Rye” by JD Salinger
Not every author can describe the feeling of anxiety teenagers often suffer from. Salinger, however, could. The story of Holden Caulfield shows how difficult it is for people to accept the notion of death. It also explores the themes of youth, reclusiveness, sexual identity, and wisdom. And do you know what does Holden's Red Hunting Cap symbolize? Only a bookworm knows.
These are the popular examples of classic literature. In the next article, I’ll write about more sophisticated and unique books every avid reader should discover.