Argumentative Essay about Bullying

Cyberbullying is a type of harassment, deliberate and aggressive actions, carried out by a group or an individual with the use of electronic forms of interaction directed against victims who cannot protect themselves. It can occur through SMS messages, social networks, creating compromising web pages or posting degrading, abusive video content, and so on.
The theme of bullying in schools essay is topical today. One of the important advantages of harassment on the Internet for the aggressor is a sense of impunity as the live victim can use physical resistance. In addition, the aggressor does not see the victim’s emotions on the Internet. One can only guess from the answers, what he or she feels.
To write your 5 paragraph essay on bullying, you must read a good sample essay on cyber bullying.
Unlike ordinary bullying, cyberbullying is continuous. A child may leave school, and bullying will stop. Now social networking is an important part of communication. The child goes to bed, and then in the morning he or she sees a photo with an insulting inscription.
56% of people who suffer from cyberbullying are teenagers. In addition, every third person meets with aggression on the Internet. The older adolescents become, the lower the level of cyber aggression is. In general, the involvement of teenager in bullying is gradually decreasing by the time they finish school, but in some cases, the persecution continues.
The Danger of Cyberbullying
At first glance, cyberbullying may seem less serious than real aggression. However, the consequences of cyberbullying are very severe; their list can include not only negative emotions (shame, fear, anxiety) but also suicidal attempts and committed suicides. You can write about these negative aspects in your bullying essay.
Another difficulty is the lack of reaction. In real life, the provocateur sees the victim’s vulnerability and may stop at some point. The Internet does not show what is happening and the aggressor does not know when to stop it in time. Therefore, online aggression can be excessive and more dangerous.
Suitable bullying titles for an essay are “Cyberbullying and society,” “Dangerous consequences of cyberbullying,” “How to fight cyberbullying?” There is a connection between cyberbullying and a decrease in self-esteem, problems in the family, with academic performance, school violence, and other forms of deviant and delinquent behavior (absenteeism, alcohol and drug abuse). Boys and girls who are subjected to cyberbullying report about suicidal thoughts.
Consequences of Bullying
There are consequences not only for the victim but also for the aggressors and witnesses; they include victimization, a tendency to psychosomatic problems, delinquent and aggressive behavior, social anxiety.
According to Google, in 2017 adolescents have devoted more than five hours a day to social networks, and this figure is growing. The child perceives the Internet as a safe environment. When it turns out that it can be aggressive, the effect of surprise works, and it hurts more. Suddenness can play a bad joke with teenagers. In this regard, cyberbullying prevention programs include, among other things, training in how to observe confidentiality and distinction, what can and cannot be published on the Internet.
Society is now at a stage when humanistic values (the value of human life, individualism, the protection of private property, and the protection of privacy) lose their importance. It leads to the fact that a person faces the task of coping with own aggression. As one grows and develops, he or she learns how to manage aggression. Now you are familiar with the argumentative essay example on bullying, and you can write your successful paper. The subject of humiliation is very crucial today, and teenagers should not keep quiet about it.