How to Write a Motivation Letter

While applying for various Master’s degree programs at European universities, you will be required to submit a motivation letter. The motivation letter is a chance for you to present yourself, as well as display your motivation for studying at a particular educational institution. In your motivation letter, you should outline your personal qualities and also prove that you deserve to be short-listed for the program.
In this article, we will focus on the key points of motivation letter writing and tips that will make your letter of motivation fly.
Do your homework!
Before getting down to business, you should dig up as much information about the educational institution and the program you apply for as possible. You can achieve this by visiting the universities' website, where you can find out everything about its requirements, expectations, and set of skills and qualities they expect you to possess.
By doing small research on the university, its requirements, extracurricular activities, etc., you will have a better conception of how your letter of motivation will look like.
To produce a top-notch motivation letter, you should possess impeccable English writing skills. If your speaking English is a far cry from perfection, consider an option of attending an English language course abroad.
Focus on the meat and potatoes
Start with giving the main ideas you would like to expand upon in your motivation letter. Your main ideas and points are basically the bedrock of your motivation letter, which you can enrich with additional information.
Lay out your goal: give a short preview of your motivation letter.
Why do you believe this educational institution and program will suit you? Mention some of your main professional qualities, previous experiences (international experiences always serve as an advantage), and qualifications; organize the middle paragraphs in terms of the qualifications most relevant to the program to the least.
Conclude by stressing your interest and express your appreciation for the opportunity to assert yourself in the letter of motivation (sometimes, you can even ask for a personal interview).
Be personal & original
You should tell some facts that would testify to you as a personality. Mind that a letter of motivation is a very personal document, and your task is to prove that you are distinguishable from other applicants. In fact, you should display all your strong points and qualifications which would prove that you deserve to be chosen for the program.
Scrolling through some motivation letter examples may surely come in handy but at the same time, you should not resort to copying them. Try to appear as much original as possible. Additionally, do not be too loud in praises to yourself. Be objective and realistic.
First impressions matter
Some applicants are under illusions that it is content of the motivation letter that matters. However, the way your letter of motivation looks like, its lengths and font size, the way you present and organize it is not less important.
Be professional and consistent
Try to appear as much professional in terms of format, style, and content of your motivation letter as possible. Proofread your motivation letter to eradicate any spelling errors and make sure you stick to the same font and abbreviations throughout the letter.
Other opinions and advice
You will definitely benefit from contacting people who have already dealt with letters of motivation. You can even find students who are already doing their Master's degree in the program you are applying for, and they can provide you with some useful pieces of advice.
But once again, try to be original and do not copy others' ideas.
We do hope that these points will help you to produce a successful motivation letter. However, do not forget that your knowledge and originality are the main ingredients of succeeding in motivation letter writing. If you show that you are interested in a particular Master's program and has a burning desire to study at the university that offers this program, your motivation letter will fly anyways.
If you encounter any difficulties with compiling this type of writing, look for a motivation letter sample on the expanse of the Internet.
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