What You Should Know to Compose a Reflection Paper

Approaching a reflection paper, you have a chance to discuss with your professor the way a certain article, a book, or experience influences your views on the issues presented in your course book. It is a kind of subjective writing that you still write applying academic tone and carrying about its organization. The article aims at suggesting you some useful ideas on writing a reflection paper.
Here is a step-by-step approach that may come in handy for you while you’ll be working on a reflection paper.
How to Write a Reflection Paper
1. Gather Ideas
If you doubt how to start a reflection paper, then make brainstorming a beginning point. Clarify the major topic you need to investigate. It is also important to note all the ideas, as well as feelings, which come to mind in the process of reading. Additionally, write down a summary after the experience of watching a movie, reading a book, or listening to a lecture you are going to analyze. This conclusion should contain up to three concise descriptive sentences.
2. Structure the Materials You are Processing
Highlight essential data you have. Make clear what facts and quotations are truly crucial in introducing in your paper. Especially, when you undertake a reflection paper on a lecture or a book, you are ought to jot down some distinct passages. Do not forget to bring in some particular thought on your experience related to the topic you are writing about. Choose the most advantageous story and compose a small summary. This method adds the appropriate dose of sensory images, sounds, and emotions that make a text trustworthy.
3. Make Information Easy to Perceive Visibly
Charts and tables are an appropriate way to organize the data. It will save your time while composing a paper and integrating some concrete facts. Make a sketch in the way that the first column contains your experiences. It may be anything that you consider to be of a great value to be told to a reader. You may also introduce the wanted portion of details. The second column serves for your own answers to the questions you raise in the first column. Make your responses objective presenting enough values and beliefs. You may use the last column for more detailed description of your personal view on the ideas.
4. Ask the Right Questions
Make a list of questions that may work as a guiding plan for you. It may also help you not to go off the track and develop the themes you have opted for. These questions may sound like:
What effect does a reading, film, or lecture has on you?
What feeling do you experience in the process of process an object of art?
Why has this very work caught your attention?
Have you changed your mind toward some issues?
Does it present a controversial and conflicting topic?
Does it provide appropriate pieces of evidence to talk around and over-persuade you?
Are there any pending issues that an author leaves you with?
Has an author told anything about his or her personal experience?
Do you agree or disagree with the ideas introduced?
5. What is a Reflection Paper and How Should it Look Like?
For any writing that is going to be evaluated, the layout matters a lot. The text should be straightforward and delightful. On average, the number of words should be 500 – 600 words, but you’d better consult with your professor on this point.
6. Tell What You Have Expected from the Work of Art
Expectations are the perfect material to present in your introductory part. Verify what it has brought in with the help of a title and abstract if you estimate a book or a lecture. Whenever you are writing about experience, fill in reviews from other people.
7. Work out a Thesis Statement Carefully
Thesis is a vital element of any writing. Develop it and place in the most fitting place in your introduction. This very sentence should be a mix of your expectations and the true things that you have received after spending some time on a book or anything else.
Reflection paper is, as any other assignment, guided by the professor’s requirements. Make sure that you follow all of them. Your personal contribution is also needed. Try to be fair, unbiased, and sincere with your reader!
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